Chapter Two

Bill Johnson was 50, with more than 27 years of computer experience — most of it in defense work. His wife Sally was the smart one in the family with a Masters degree in Computer Science. They had two children — Bobby (12) and Samantha (10).

The Johnsons had moved to California from Pennsylvania because their daughter had been involved in a public school sponsored genital fondling session. Little Samantha — and all of the little girls in her first grade class — had been forced to the nurse’s office where Dr. Raham Bledawi had removed their panties and spread their labia with his cold rubber-coated fingers and had then peered deep within their sexual orifices. The little girls had screamed and kicked but there were enough nurse’s aides present to hold even the most stubborn girl in the stirrups. The school had thought it best to check the first grade girls for sexually transmitted genital herpes and saw no reason to ask permission of the parents. The rape with a foreign object — for that was what it was — had been covered by the local small town press but never made it to the “One World” national media.

The Johnsons moved to San Diego.

More than 40,000 San Diego children were bused from their homes to some distant school every school day — to “Balkanize” the schools and destroy a neighborhood’s cohesiveness and a parent’s ability to join with their neighbors and fight. The cost of this bussing had already been more than eight hundred million dollars. Neighborhood schools were a thing of the past.

Two months after they had arrived in California little Bobby Johnson had been involved in an altercation at school with a “special education” child. California public schools begin teaching children about the state’s diversity of cultures in the fourth grade. These lessons include several on the multiculturalism of homosexuality. Homosexuality is not a sexual orientation. It is a culture — with its own holidays, ceremonies and special rights.

California school children are encouraged to experience the “rich diversity” of all cultures. They are not — as yet — encouraged to experience and enjoy all of the diversities of the various homosexual cultures but they are familiarized with them — including the use of “dental dams.” A “dental dam” is a homosexual oral condom.

The ”special education” child that attacked little Bobby Johnson was a sixteen year old “Hispanic” who had been mainstreamed in spite of his record of three rapes of small children. His “hyperactivity “ had allowed his mother to register him as handicapped. This status put the boy at the top of the list for access to the area’s magnet school, plus free transport to and from school and free breakfast and lunch in the school’s cafeteria. And free school clothes.

And yes, there was no evidence that the child was even a U.S. citizen — and it was illegal to even ask. There are more than 4.3 million of these special children in America’s schools. Each is eligible for more than $500 a month in federal social security benefits. This federal funding had begun under the Johnson administration to provide some funds to an estimated 20,000 profoundly handicapped children and had been expanded every year ever since. This special funding now stole more than $50 a month from each American retiree’s social security benefits.

Bill Johnson had removed his son from public school when the “handicapped” 16 year old attempted to use Bill Johnson’s male child as an aid in the practice of a “homosexual culture” and all the teachers did was offer a “dental dam” to Bobby Johnson.

The Johnsons were almost happy. They had started a business of their own — a small computer store selling high performance computers to San Diego’s developing scientific sub-contracting industry.

The Johnsons saw how intelligent and productive people had little time for children. The tax burden forced them to work and work and work. But the failures, those people on “programs,” were breeding like hell. Every new child brought these people more and more money — in cash, educational benefits, medical care, food, housing supplements and more.

Smart, hard working people were being castrated by the tax man so that failures and violent criminals could breed.

Large corporations showed off their “affirmative action” employees. Those were employees the government had forced them to hire. Those “Double A’s” just sat there and did almost nothing of value while most of the real work was being done by outside contractors. On the government reports the corporations could honestly say that they had 40%, 50% and even 60% minority and handicapped full-time employees.

The most dangerous laws to America’s future were called “Clinton’s Troika:” Goals 2000, School-to-Work and the “Improving America’s Schools” Act. Under these laws each graduating high school student was given a Labor Suitability Card. This card noted the student’s abilities and also displayed the fields of employment for which the student was not eligible.

Hiring a student for a job category not approved for him by the government was a felony. The ratings shown on this Suitability Card were structured such that intelligence and talent were of limited worth. The key factors for a high score on this card were political. They included acceptance of multiculturalism and acceptance of humanistic values. Thus, the compliant, the passive, the worthless, would be employed and the smart, rebellious — or even religious — could starve. If an employer dared to hire one of these federal outcasts he could be fined and/or imprisoned.

So, while the employment of illegal aliens was ignored — or even encouraged — the employment of “politically unsuitable” Whites was prosecuted immediately and to the fullest extent of the law.

Again, because one’s intellectual performance was not the main criteria for the ratings on the Labor Suitability Card, intelligent, productive, creative, thinking children could be rated lower and thus relegated to menial employment — essentially eliminating them from the future power structure of society.

Rather than openly fight those Americans who didn’t agree with the realities of “The New America,” the government simply destroyed them financially today and their children’s future tomorrow. In this way the culture of the Founding Fathers would be eliminated completely in one or maybe two more generations.

Anyone who disagreed with the New World Order and its views on morality and the Balkanization of the country were deemed to be as serious a threat to New America as Communists had been to the old America. Being a “patriot” today meant your destruction.

The Johnsons had built their business by staying open 12 hours a day, seven days a week. Consultants could send in orders over the Internet and pick the order up or have it delivered that same day. Broken computers were picked up and repaired usually in one day. If the repair was to take longer, the contents of the computer’s hard drive were copied to a “loaner” computer while the broken computer was repaired. Time was money.

Bill Johnson was acknowledged as a computer expert but his customers often mentioned that he had a certain gleam in his eye and when he stared at them intently he could chill them to the bone.

For more than 40 years America had immersed itself in a Cold War against the forces of Communism. There had been a need for creative people to imagine, design, build and then install various advanced technological marvels to spy on the Soviet menace. No one privy to the secrets of intelligence could do less than admire the many successes.

One of the most admired — because it had been accomplished at the very center of the Evil Empire — was the installation and maintenance of an electronic listening post built deep within a 20 mile long tunnel the Soviets had constructed between Moscow and Yasenevo — the KGB’s real headquarters to the southeast of the Soviet capital. The tunnel contained the only land-based communication lines between the KGB’s turn-of-the-century buildings in Moscow and their 1960’s vintage buildings in Yasenevo. These lines were considered by the KGB to be absolutely secure and thus carried the most secret of communications.

The CIA’s wire-taps were serviced once a month. The standard operating procedure was to drive an old grey-green van down the road at a normal speed — 60 kmh — and drop a communications expert out the side door who would then tumble into the forest. The expert would enter the tunnel and replace the tap’s data recorder with a new one. The task was made more difficult by the necessity to expertly examine the various cables for possible tampering by the KGB. The expert was also authorized to use deadly force to protect himself and the information he collected.

When he had completed his task the agent would hide in the forest and wait for another van coming down the road in the same direction as the first — but with its rear view mirror askew. He would wait until the van was even with a certain stone near the road and then run from the tree-line and stick his arm out in the shape of a hook. A loop of thick black rubber hose would suddenly appear out of the van’s side door and the agent would be snapped into the van. The entire retrieval — from running out of the trees to the van’s sliding-door slamming shut — took about three seconds. The retrieval system was standard procedure for SEALs and had found a valuable new use a thousand miles from any ocean.

Bill wouldn’t discuss much of the defense work he’d done but he liked to shoot pistols — and could put eight .45 slugs into a ten inch circle at 25 yards in six seconds. He could put 15 holes into that circle in 15 seconds — and that time included a magazine change. He’d taught his wife how to shoot defensively — including how to put a slug into somebody at close range and use the target’s diaphragm and lungs as a silencer.

They lived in a three bedroom home in the older “Banker’s Hill” area of San Diego. It had been built in 1934; Bill and Sally had paid $51,000 for it in 1979. Now, houses like it sold for $543,000 in today’s inflated dollars. It was destined to be their only asset, as taxes took more than 50% of their combined $66,000 income. The government program to “tax the rich” essentially forced them to depend upon Social Security for their old age — something that all the experts predicted wouldn’t even exist by the time they needed it.

Of the $66,000 they made, 15% ($10,000) went to “Social Security self employment tax” — a Ponzi scheme of the first order that actually bled the productive to feed the worthless. Their federal income tax was $21,000. Their state tax was $2,000. Their property tax was $3,000. Sales tax and gas tax and car registration, plus car and home insurance took another $5,000. They also paid their own medical insurance through an HMO which cost them $7,000 a year.

So out of their $66,000 a year they took home only $18,000, and they still hadn’t put food on the table, bought gas for the car, paid their telephone bill or even made a house payment! Living frugally they could only save $3,000 a year.

San Diego had never experienced the ravages of earthquakes, war, or even bad weather. This allowed the region to develop a graceful, easy, and relaxed architecture.

Much of California’s character comes from the land itself. In fact, when Father Junipero Serra came to San Diego in 1769, he looked at the low hills and gray-green valleys and requested that architects be sent north from Mexico City to create missions and other buildings of memorable style and functionality.

The first mission built in all of North America was in San Diego — Mission San Diego de Alcala.

In 1769 the Church’s experience with the Aztecs was fresh in the minds of the Spanish Franciscans and the soldiers stationed at San Diego’s presidio — yet they were still not prepared for the barbarity of the Indian attack of 1775. The Church mission was burned to the ground and priests were hacked to death.

The mission had only four soldiers for protection. Each soldier carried two pistols, a rifle, a shield, and a pack, and rode a horse. For protection from Indian arrows the soldiers wore a vest made of several layers of heavy leather. It is from this vest that they took on the name “Leather Jackets.” These four soldiers were all there was between the Indians and the local European community.

Because of the Indian attack the new mission buildings were fortified — three foot thick walls were built from adobe and robust clay tiles were used for the roof — all to make the buildings attack-proof and infinitely more fire resistant. It took the Padres five years to rebuild the mission.

They built the new buildings in the shape of a defensive quadrangle around a central courtyard. This defensive quadrangle is now part of California’s psyche — and for good reason. Today, the blood of the Aztec courses in the veins of every Mexican driving a low-rider. The White European’s leather jackets have been replaced with Kevlar vests worn under their shirts.

San Diego’s warm seasons and dry air make for pleasant outside experiences the year round. The Johnson’s home included a small walled-in entrance courtyard with curved red-brown clay tile pathways. The back yard was walled-in as well — and the home gave visitors the feeling they were in a rural Spanish hacienda.

The entrance courtyard and back yard were bordered with espalier fruit trees. Red Bougainvillea and Copa D’Ora vines covered the walls. Bougainvillea branches have inch-long cactus-like spikes and are a natural barbed wire.

The reasons for a walled-in entrance patio in an urban environment are manifold. First, it provides additional privacy amid the congestion of the city. Second, it creates a first line of defense — including a legal one regarding trespass. Third, it isolates any group of intruders from their support — including spotters. Fourth, if properly utilized, it puts the intruders into a killing field.

The home’s front patio and back yard walls had been made in the 1940’s of terra cotta hollow bricks and then slathered with stucco. Bill reinforced these walls with foot-square steel-reinforced concrete posts that he cast in place. The posts were spaced on four foot centers and were planted three feet into the ground. The posts were then stucco’d so that they became integral parts of the walls.

The entrance gate had been upgraded to include a small transmitter so that every time it was opened a signal was received inside the house. He had used a replacement garage door transmitter and receiver — $29.95. The transmitter had been modified to use a mercury tilt switch from an old Robertshaw furnace thermostat. When the gate was opened the mercury vial tilted and made the connection. The transmitter had been wrapped in duct tape and then actually plastered onto the wall. He’d replaced the unit’s conventional batteries with a long string of lithium cells so they wouldn’t need changing for a decade.

Bill had taken some care in renovating the interior of the home to greatly increase its security. These measures were not taken to repulse Aztecs per se but just to eliminate the most obvious threats to his family — including home invasion (a specialty of the area’s Asian gangs), burglary, kidnapping and police SWAT assaults.

The methamphetamine plague had actually started in San Diego just after the Second World War. Veterans had returned from the Pacific Theater — where they had used such chemicals to stay awake to fight. Coming home meant forming Harley Davidson motorcycle gangs and selling meth. After fifty years the drug was even being made by housewives in their suburban San Diego kitchens. The police would sometimes raid a “meth lab” — only to discover that they had the wrong house. People were killed. Anything to give the occupants time to respond rationally and firmly to any kind of attack was of immense value. Then too, under California law the police could destroy private property with impunity and without recompense — so long as they were “in pursuit of a criminal.” This meant that the police could cause a tremendous amount of damage in and around your home and so long as they arrested somebody for something they were not liable for the damage. It was best to let such people simply thrash about outside.

The home had been designed with ornamental grillwork — ornate bars — on all of the front windows. Bill could have simply repainted them but instead he did a bit more. Because the home had been built in the 1930’s these window bars were made of solid steel. Bill welded the bars together — leaving the ornate rivets in place. He had fastened one inch steel cables at the bottom of each grill and had then draped these cables against the outside wall and then set them deep in concrete-filled holes.

The standard method used by street thugs (and federal thugs) to gain quick entry into any home with window bars was to attach a steel cable to the rear of a truck and toss the other end of the cable — with a grappling hook — through the bars. The truck would then quickly exit the area — carrying the bars with it. Should anyone attempt this feat at Bill’s home they would not only lose the rear end of their truck but in all likelihood their cable would snap and then whip through the bodies of many of those involved in the assault. There were risks to any protection of one’s home and property. The police have the legal right to take all appropriate action in pursuit of their duties. If, while performing their duties they harm themselves or innocent others then you can be charged as if you personally had harmed the officer or the third party. The cop kills somebody by accident — thinking they were aiming at you — and you will be charged with first degree murder.

The next thing he had done was rebuild all of his windows. He removed each pane of glass and replaced it with hurricane-proof glass purchased from a large glass shop in a gulf coast city. Newer hurricane-proof glass could stop a wooden two by four traveling at 120 miles per hour. Each pane of this reinforced glass was set at a slight up-facing angle. He made certain that there were no streets or homes or trees or even distant buildings that might see a direct reflection from any of his window panes — this made it more difficult for the feds to use a laser to bug his home. He then added an 1/8th inch thick plate of Lexan behind each piece of glass. The window frames had been made of wood and most had six panes of glass. He added two-inch wide facings of steel to the interior surfaces of the frames. The window locking mechanisms were replaced with half inch thick steel rods that secured each window — top and bottom — to the wall’s studs. These additions would stop burglars who could smash a window and strip a house in three minutes — long before the cops would arrive. These additions also stopped gas grenades tossed or shot against the windows. Tear gas grenades were used by police to burn a house to the ground — or at least in nearly 70% of the cases that’s exactly what they did. Remember Waco. Lastly, some police agencies tossed grappling hooks through windows and then ripped out the entire window frame. Grappling hooks just bounce off Lexan backed windows.

The two-inch thick Spanish style exterior doors had been re-built and new hinges installed. These hinges were secured with five inch long screws that went through the door frame and into structural members. Each hinge had been fitted with a “dog” — a pin that would hold the door in place even if the hinges failed. The interior face of each door had been fitted with a full size 1/8th inch thick plate of solid steel which was then framed with one-by-three inch rectangular steel tubing. This steel assembly was then through-bolted to steel straps on the outside. When painted, the doors simply looked “Spanish.” All exterior doors had been fitted with Fiche high security locks which lock the door at the top, bottom and middle. The vertical wooden trim at the sides of each door frame was replaced with steel straps of the same shape and an inch thicker. This reduced the door’s clearance but it also removed all chances of a SWAT team’s 12 gauge door entry slugs removing the door from its hinges.

A five inch diameter spring-loaded steel post had been installed in the tile floor of the entry way. The post could be popped up into position — twelve inches high — with the toe of your shoe. The front door would then only open a polite distance of six inches before it hit the post — which is not far enough to permit uninvited entry to the home. The post remained flush with the tiled entry way when not in use. The Johnsons would pop it into position when they turned in for the night.

Opening the door to strangers was a very disarming tactic. Many homeowners just used their security viewers and yelled through the door. This was not only impolite but lends credence to any rumors that the occupants are security conscious. Thanks to California’s drug wars — just rumors of being security conscious are enough to get you into a police database.

Bill had also installed a CO2 fire extinguisher by each exterior door. The exhaust from each extinguisher was connected through hose to an industrial air bag mounted at the bottom edge of the door. The bags looked similar to those seen at the rear of “air-ride” semi-trailers.

To all the world these extinguishers looked quite normal. They each had a hose and spray nozzle.

Each fire extinguisher had been modified to use a quick-disconnect hose coupling. The CO2 tank was normally connected to the door closer — not the fire extinguisher nozzle. Should the extinguisher be needed to knock down a fire, then the standard extinguisher nozzle could be quickly snapped into place and the tank carried to the flames.

Bill had connected a standard bicycle brake cable to the door and then to a lever which pressed on the fire extinguisher handle. By simply pulling a lanyard hooked to the back of the door any family member could unleash the gas pressure stored in the fire extinguisher’s tank and close the door — no matter how many three hundred pound thugs were pressing against it.

The door-closing air bag was a standard Firestone Rubber Company product. They came in dozens of sizes — the one Bill used was ten inches in diameter. The bag actually looked like a huge aluminum Big Mac. Bill mounted the bag at the bottom right corner of the door. The bag would accept up to 200 psi through a half-inch hose fitting. This system put 15,000 pounds of force between the steel door stop and the door — it would close the door. The door would sever any limb caught between it and the jamb. Each door closing system had only cost him $250.

The only modification Bill had made to the bag was the addition of a vertical steel trough — so the bag would wrap half way around the five inch steel post and not slip off when pressure was applied.

While the uninitiated might think that a firearm stored near the front door could be a good thing — it is not. Bill instead purchased a pneumatic nail gun — a high power framing nailer — and then attached a ten inch long, three inch diameter high pressure air tank to its nail tray. Air from the CO2 tank on the wall was directed to the door bag and also to this nail gun’s tank. This small tank was connected to the gun’s hammer mechanism through a high volume regulator set to 120 psi — the suggested pressure limit. The nail gun was fully loaded with more than 100 adhesive-coated two-inch long round-head nails. The gun could shoot even the heaviest nails more than 100 yards. At close range this thing was dangerous. Of course, framing nailers were not considered a weapon and thus easily purchased at any large, distant, hardware store — for cash.

Bill had created a small firing port in the front door — at “average Mexican sternum height” — that looked like a regular peep hole. The peep hole’ s grille was hinged outward so that the nail gun could be stuffed through the hole and the muzzle could traverse more than 120 degrees.

The salient features of a nail gun are: It is nearly silent, even a single nail-shot will easily kill, and pointy nails go right through most bullet proof vests. With the more powerful framing nailers only the nail’s head stops it from going all the way through a human body. Bill modified the gun so that its standard muzzle lock “safety feature” was disabled. A gentle trigger-press was all that was required to fire the gun’s nails — in full auto.

The Hitachi “construction nailer” was light in weight and easily sank two inch nails up to the nail-head — even in hard lumber. The Stanley Bostitch framing nailers were nice and the Porter Cable unit was compact. Bill purchased a SENCO unit — the biggest framing nailer in the store — and it even came with a leather covered handle. It also had a muzzle lock that was very easy to remove. The most powerful might have been the Hitachi unit but Bill wanted to “buy American.” Bill thought that the money for this project was $347.00 well spent.

America has certainly changed. Bill realized that what he had done to reinforce his home and protect his family from burglars — or home invasions by Mexican or Asian gangs — could be enough to have him arrested. He actually ran the risk of having created “a room or space designed to suppress law enforcement entry.” Yes, he could be sent to jail just because he had done such a good job protecting his family from thugs.

Certainly, government agents could still kill — or “slot” him — as he walked to his car in some shopping center parking lot. They might even try to kill him right in his own home using the “mail man with a registered letter” ploy.

Bill was much more cautious after the Clinton / Vince Foster treachery. Bill thought Foster was probably “slotted” right inside his own office. Foster was six foot four and 197 pounds. Someone probably walked up to Foster and put a stun gun to the back of his neck and zapped his nervous system with 60,000 volts. When he slumped to the floor a silenced .38 automatic would have been placed in his mouth and expertly fired into the base of his brain. Sub-sonic ammunition — which is the ammunition used by professionals in a silenced pistol — wouldn’t have had the energy to exit the back of Foster’s skull. The bottom of his brain would have been fatally lacerated but there wouldn’t have been much — if any — blood at all. A silenced .38 auto firing sub-sonic ammunition has essentially no recoil — that means no broken teeth or even a bruise on the roof of Foster’s mouth. Silencers don’t have front sights and in fact are usually quite smooth at the front — so there was nothing sharp on the end of the gun to even scratch Foster’s palate. The use of a silenced pistol perfectly matches Foster’s forensic evidence.

The interior walls of Bill’s home were covered in paper-thin nickle-plated fiber sheets and then covered in a thin layer of joint compound. The Spanish stucco look was maintained. Each room’s conductive “wallpaper” was grounded to a three inch diameter, twelve foot long copper pipe set ten feet into the ground. The same conductive sheeting was sewn into the drapes and grounded via a subtle ground strap. The house was bug-proof to all but the most professional attacks — even to through-wall surveillance using ultra wide-band time domain digital radar.

Bill’s drapes really were a work of art. Not only did they have conductive fiber sheets sewn inside them but they were also fitted with heaters. Bill had purchased one Sunbeam electric blanket for each section of drape. He had removed the fuzzy exterior of each blanket and then sewn the blanket’s heater wire inside the drape. He had done this because — according to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — heat scanners were being used by authorities that “are increasingly able to reveal the intimacies that we have heretofore trusted take place in private.” Yes, it was even possible to read fluctuations in the heat signature from great distances and thereby listen to conversations inside a room. The feds might try to use these infrared scanners to peer through his curtains but by setting his curtains to even their “low” setting the feds’ access to the interior of bill’s house would be blocked.

The drapes were also longer than normal. Each drape fell into a polished wooden trough on the floor next to the window. The bottom of each drape was loaded with lead shot. Should the window be smashed, all of the bits of glass and shards of Lexan would be caught by the drape. The drape would be knocked from the trough by the impact of the flying debris but would then blossom out of the trough and absorb the impact — thus protecting the room’s occupants.

The home did not have a burglar alarm although it looked like it did. Burglar alarms are only effective if the noise scares away the intruder. Determined thieves know that the police come — on average — 11 minutes after the alarm sounds, long after they are gone.

What Bill had done was place what looked like burglar alarm sensors on each window. In reality these were piezo-electric disks — speakers — which emitted white noise. He bought them at his local electronics surplus store. He purchased a waterfall-sound machine from the Sharper Image catalog and connected it to an old amplifier. The output of the amplifier was sent into a surplus filament transformer and then into what looked like burglar alarm wire and thence to the white disks. Sixty volts of white noise (or waterfall sound) was thereby pumped into each window pane. These same flat mini-speakers were also glued to the back or bottom of any shiny “Objet d’ Art” in any room where serious conversations might occur. There would be no way that an IR laser or even the more advanced video DSP technologies could listen in on any conversation in the house. Both of these voice recovery techniques only required that reflections from some marginally reflective surface be vibrated by the sounds of interest. In one case a beam of infra-red energy was bounced off window glass or any reflective object inside the room. In the other technique a high-speed reduced-field video camera with telescopic lens was focussed on existing reflections on a window or object within a room — or even on dirt or dust on a vibrating surface. The modulation of these reflections by sounds in the room were then digitally processed — the amount of motion in the reflection is measured — and the sounds can be derived.

The white noise Bill generated could only be heard if you placed your ear against the window pane or object — but this sound level was a thousand times louder than the sounds the feds would otherwise pick up. Their surveillance systems were drowned in the restful sounds of a waterfall

Bill also installed a series of crushed chicken-wire screens three feet down each sewer vent pipe on the roof. He then capped each vent with a little hard plastic “tent” to keep out leaves. These “tents” were carefully marked as to their orientation — if they were ever moved then he would know he had company.

He also dug up the front yard and installed a “trap” in the sewer line. The trap was simply a “tee” with the home’s drain line connected to the center of the “tee” and the line to the street connected to one leg. The other leg was capped. These sewer modifications were installed to stop anyone from planting listening devices inside these vulnerable and absolutely ideal listening posts. Just as we use a “snake” to clean out a line, anyone can send devices up the sewer line — and leave them there. Sewer pipes don’t just suddenly appear in the bathroom. They are built into walls and floors that often meander through much of the house. Modern digital signal processing can provide surprisingly good restorations of garbled and faint conversations.

We must also remember that the key communication system built into most ships between 1880 and 1940 were “speaking tubes” — glorified sewer pipes. These tubes are still used as back-up communications systems on modern ships-of-the-line today.

He left the home’s three chimneys free of any barriers — but fired them up once a week with a hot fire of every piece of paper he wanted to throw away and not have strangers later read — plus all of his junk-mail and newspapers.

As an added “techie” feature, Bill had created an outside surveillance system using a solar powered, radio controlled video system. The TV camera was slightly larger than a peanut M&M. He had installed it at the south east corner of the street — fifteen feet up in a notch of a four foot diameter Eucalyptus tree. With solar cell and battery and transmitter it looked to all the world like an abandoned bird’s nest. He had also installed another TV camera in his attic — really a $50 “video phone” from a discount computer store — which he attached to a cheap spotting scope. This TV camera looked outside through a small roof vent. The scope was securely bolted down so that it would only look at the distant “bird’s nest.” Signals from the cameras were sent to the PC in the rec room. The scope camera let Bill know when somebody messed with his tree-mounted camera.

He had written a little program in BASIC for his PC which controlled the cameras. The computer would compare the view from a camera with the prior view to determine if there had been a changed since the last observation. If the scene had changed then the PC would save the image to its hard drive — with the time of recording noted. Bill could dial into the computer via the Internet and “check for messages” which might include images of people coming to his front door or trying to sneak around the back of his house. Sometimes the images were good enough to read the front license plate of their car if they parked around the corner or the rear license plate if they parked in front of the house. When he and his family were home the “bird’s nest” camera gave them a very nice view of the neighborhood. This system had only cost him $200 — he didn’t count the cost of the computer and the scope because he already had them.

Lastly, the electrical power entering the house was passed through an uninterruptible power system. The feds have a habit of sending 2,000 volt spikes down a target’s power line to blast every electronic device and even pop the light bulbs. By isolating the home’s wiring he could survive even this.

The Johnsons only owned one car — a Hummer. It had been very difficult for the family to decide what kind of car they should buy. A Mercedes would say “rich,” most American cars were crudely made and Japanese cars were something they would never purchase — even if Toyota did make most reliable cars in the world.

A Hummer was a car that would never go out of style — it was never in style — and one year’s model was indistinguishable from any other. The selection also offered a lower auto theft rate and easy upgrade to a high security vehicle.

He couldn’t afford a new one so he purchased three old ones at government auction. While the military refuses to sell these at auction they are still available as seized property at U.S. Customs and DEA auctions. From these junkers — and with six months’ work in his garage at night — he was able to build one good one. He’d painted it a tasteful dove gray.

The first thing he did was rip out all of the old wiring and replace it with shielded wiring. Every sensor and every switch was shielded and then grounded to the frame. The battery was mounted within a completely shielded box. Even the alternator was mounted within a shielded enclosure. Only his AM/FM radio was subject to damage from errant electro-magnetic pulses. The feds could play all the games they wanted. This Hummer would not be stopped by any of their new radio frequency weapons that could cook a normal car’s electronics in less than a millisecond.

Bill had contacted Armour of America in Beverly Hills, to purchase door and window armor kits for the family’s Hummer. The company had said “Armour of America will armor any reasonable vehicle for the protection of the occupants or cargo.” The problem was that this company would not sell to individuals.

He had found that building hard and soft armor wasn’t really that difficult and that he really didn’t need these people. Building your own armor was easy. Besides, he didn’t need to protect himself from the kinds of people who wanted to whack President Clinton. Clinton had to protect himself in a Kevlar cocoon eight inches thick. All Bill needed was about two inches.

The first thing he did was make cardboard patterns of each piece of armor he needed. These patterns were fitted into place on the Hummer and verified as fitting correctly. These patterns were detailed prototypes of the armor he would build — they were full thickness and even had holes in them which lined up with the actual mounting points in the Hummer’s doors and roof.

He found that multiple layers of graphite cloth layered with Kevlar cloth and bonded with epoxy (not polyester) resin made a good home-made armor alternative. He found that he could build one complete panel in ten hours — two nights work. The big problem was pressing the layers together hard enough to squeeze out surplus resin. Resin bonded — it did not protect.

He built up a few four-inch square test blocks and took them to the rifle range for testing. He built them into his own wooden target frames so that when he put up his target nobody would know what he was really doing. Missing the paper and hitting the frame is a common occurrence at most rifle ranges. The test blocks were mounted on the front of the frame so they would still be there after he shot them.

His problem was not building armor strong enough to stop a bullet. His problem was doing it at reasonable cost.

The key to minimizing cost was minimizing the amount of material used and that required rotating the layers of graphite cloth and Kevlar so that they would distribute the shock in more than two directions. Each layer was rotated slightly so that the orientation of the fibers of one layer was not the same as the orientation of the next layer — this eventually distributed the shock around 360 degrees. Bill was able to get Kevlar cloth. His alternative would have been fiberglass. If he had used fiberglass cloth then the finished panels would have been more than twice as thick. He bought the Kevlar commercially and even showed the salesman pictures of the boat he was building — a nice 24 footer. He even read up on bass fishing and had purchased a one year subscription to a popular fishing magazine. And he always paid for materials with cash.

He was able to quickly lay out a resin-soaked layer of graphite and a layer of Kevlar and then roll them with a disk roller to fully impregnate both layers and to remove air bubbles. Each layer had been cut to exact shape and laid down very carefully. He made certain that even the bolt holes were cut into the layers of cloth. There could be no mistakes — this stuff was a mess to cut once the resin hardened. He stacked all the layers for a complete panel all at one time.

The stack was then sandwiched between two Teflon sheets and then placed inside a plastic bag. He then used a vacuum pump to create a minus 10psi vacuum inside the bag. While this may not seem like much pressure it worked out to more than 9,000 pounds for the average size armor segment. The finished panels were a bit more than two inches thick and weighed about 15 pounds per square foot. He let the stack cure for a week before he unwrapped it.

Lexan AR (abrasion resistant) was available from lots of sources for the car’s armored windows — Bill bought it supposedly to build “fish tanks.” He needed three inches of Lexan to stop most bullets he might encounter. He used three layers of one inch thick Lexan — people don’t build fish tanks from three inch thick Lexan!

One problem was protecting the Lexan from UV — ultra-violet light. UV could destroy Lexan’s strength fairly quickly. A thin UV protectant plastic sheet did the trick here.

The Hummer’s sides were safe from anything up to and including .30 caliber armor piercing rounds. The windows could take multiple hits from any non-armor piercing round up to .30 caliber.

He had also installed run-flat tires — they were available as commercial products from Michelin.

He then replaced the Hummer’s bumpers with inch-thick steel — and weighing eight hundred pounds each. The new bumpers looked somewhat like the old ones but God help the vehicle (or wall) that he hit. Both new bumpers were fairly tall and even protected the headlights at the front and brake lights at the rear. He built the bumpers from layers of quarter inch steel plate. Nobody asked what he was going to do with thin plate. Buying solid slabs of inch thick armor would have caused a stir. To laminate and secure them he stacked them and then drilled holes all the way through. He then filled these holes with molten welding rod.

Bill glued inch high rubber letters along the edge of each bumper. The letters spelled out “Rubber Safety Products Company” over and over again. The bumpers were then painted with thick rubber spray paint often used to coat tool handles. The rubber was only about 1/16th inch thick. Because the bumpers had been ground smooth — and patched with Bondo — they looked like they had been made of solid rubber. The thin spray-on rubber coating was easy to remove and a new coating could be applied in less than half an hour.

The bumpers were mounted on sliding sleeves. Inside each sleeve was a heavy duty off-road vehicle shock absorber with an air bladder. He could extend the bumpers by sending air from the tire inflation system (standard on Hummers) into the shock absorber’s bladders.

He’d actually had Hummer owners come over and ask him about his rear bumper and how they might get one! He told them that the company had gone out of business.

These bumpers were not there just to cushion the Hummer’s occupants in a collision. They were there to crash right through anything that got in Bill’s path. In some ways the rear bumper was more important than the front. In any chase Bill expected to slam on the brakes or even put the Hummer into reverse and destroy the car behind. By using the rear bumper to do this he saved his engine from possible harm.

Some police will attempt to ram the rear quarter of the vehicle they are pursuing. This usually tumbles the pursued car into a ditch. Quick braking action — not anticipated by the officer — will instead slam the police car into the Hummer sending the police car spinning out of control.

The last thing he did was buy twenty microwave oven magnetrons. These were mounted in a piece of PVC pipe under the rear bumper. They all faced to the rear. A simple 600 volt power supply and some high voltage capacitors created a surprise for any annoying tailgater. A single gigantic pulse from those magnetrons would blow the electronics — all of the electronics — out of any nearby vehicle. Radios, ignition and engine computer would be destroyed. Anyone to the rear would suddenly coast to a stop and have to be towed away. Most cars would be damaged so extensively that they would be a total loss.

The Johnson’s Hummer was the safest car on the block — maybe in all of San Diego — and he just waved to his neighbors in their shiny, new, leased Volvos.

The Johnson’s home was in the middle of the city but still isolated from traffic and most crime. To the west was San Diego Bay and Point Loma. Just three blocks to the east was world famous Balboa Park — home to the San Diego Zoo.

They were almost surrounded by canyons — the easiest access was over a 200 foot long pedestrian bridge. The bridge had been built by real estate speculators before World War One to provide easy passage from the nearest trolley line to their fledgling real estate development on low hills overlooking the city. Just to the east of the pedestrian bridge was the beauty and romantic architecture of the Balboa Park.

Balboa Park’s crime rate was one of the city’s best kept secrets. While many city politicians and bleeding-hearts tried to pass off the problems in the park as normal for a big city, the facts were quite different. Because San Diego is so close to the Mexican border and the border is essentially unguarded, thousands of illegal aliens crossed the border and used the park as a rest stop on their way north.

Some of these Mexicans used the park as a source of ready cash from automobile break-ins and auto theft. Hundreds of other Mexicans (many under the age of 15) offered their sexual services to American homosexuals and pedophiles. In addition, there were several organizations just south of the park which fed the homeless. These organizations prided themselves in how many they could feed in a day and they had acted as a nationwide lure for beggars, alcoholics, drug addicts, AIDS carriers and others. One of these organizations was fabulously wealthy — thanks to massive funding by a restaurant-chain heiress.

San Diego’s city fathers quashed any reports of crime in the park. At times this effort had been Herculean. The world-renown Old Globe Theatre was burned to the ground by welfare vermin — as was San Diego’s Aerospace Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame was burned down in 1978 with the last bits of The Red Baron’s Fokker Triplane inside.

There were few better examples of how liberal “feel good” policies toward the insane and the drug addicted cost a city millions each year. The cost of repairing vandalism in the park was tremendous — and even required the rebuilding of entire structures.

Behind the Old Globe Theater was the San Diego Zoo hospital. It was one of the least known examples of Spanish Renaissance architecture in San Diego. It was here that all but the largest of the zoo’s animals were treated.

Just behind the hospital was the San Diego Zoo. For sixty years the boundary was nothing more than a standard six foot high fence of the kind used to contain children and keep their toys out of traffic. In 1988 it was upgraded to a high security fence of the type seen around major prisons, nearly thirty feet high in many places, and constructed of special anti-climb fencing material topped with stainless steel razor ribbon — much more dangerous than multiple coils of barbed wire. All of this to protect the zoo from midnight invasions from human vermin attracted by the welfare state’s generosity.

Most hardworking Americans pay attention only to their jobs and families with little concern for the inner workings of their community. This allows various power groups to wield tremendous power and yet remain nearly annonimous. Few Americans look at the “big picture” and see the obvious relationships which portended evil.

Jewish interests controlled San Diego. Mayor Susan Golding ran the place, Bill Kollender was Sheriff, Alan Bersin was United States Attorney, Doris Meissner was Director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and responsible for San Diego’s Mexican illegal alien crime problem and lax border security. Congressman Bob Filner was a Democrat and a member of the Democratic Socialists and related by marriage to the Prime Minister of Israel.

These Jewish interests had the power to materially change the very direction and spirit of our public institutions and suppress — if not destroy — the moral foundations upon which our country was based. And they used it.

According to the San Diego Union newspaper, even the American Ireland Fund in San Diego had “a nice Jewish boy Sol Price” as honorary chairman. It should not be a surprise to learn that the annual San Diego St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Festival suddenly honored American Indian Culture and had “Unity with Native Americans” as its theme!

Even Balboa Park was not immune.

Deep within the park’s huge Museum of Man there was an ornate Spanish chapel with hand carved altar and pews. The chapel seated more than 100 worshipers. It had been built as part of the original museum edifice in 1915 and was held as an example of California’s foundation in the Christian Church. The architect who designed most of the buildings in the park in 1915 had personally donated Holy artifacts to the chapel. Now the chapel was all boarded up and forgotten. The artifacts stolen.

Christianity may have been banished from the park but not Judaism, as Rabbi Jonathan Stein of Temple Beth Israel gave the “benediction” at the groundbreaking for the newest and largest building project in the park in the last ten years. Joan and Irwin Jacobs and Weingarten Foundation representatives as well as Jeffrey Kirsch and Elsa Feher — directors of the new facility — looked on.

Clinton stayed at Larry Lawrence’s house when he came to town. Larry Lawrence, of course, was the man who put 10 million dollars into the Democratic Party on his way to Arlington National Cemetery and who — it was rumored everywhere in Washington and San Diego as well as reported by the nationally syndicated columnist Ariana Huffington and by a national gossip magazine — had even offered his wife to Clinton as a little bonus. Mr. Lawrence reaped his reward and was eventually placed in the holiest ground within Arlington — section C-7 — the area reserved for Congressional Medal of Honor winners. Mr. Lawrence was a pillar of the community in San Diego and donated the millions needed to build the Lawrence Jewish Community Center. His rich, auburn colored Arlington National Cemetery headstone said it all:

U.S. Merchant Marine

U.S. Ambassador To Switzerland

Diplomat — Entrepreneur

Philanthropist — Humanist

August 16, 1926 — January 9, 1996

His conscience and commitment

to ideals of equality, opportunity

and social justice were revealed

in his words and deeds

That his conscience, commitment to ideals of equality, opportunity and social justice were revealed in his deeds quickly became an embarrassment to the White House — which then took on the “New World Order’s” cloak of “eternal victim” and blamed the entire affair on Lawrence himself. It was “discovered” that Lawrence had absolutely no right to be buried with heroes — he had never been in the Merchant Marine and had never been wounded — and that the real justification for his burial in Arlington was based on the size of his wallet or possibly his wife’s chest. After the usual denials and pleas of innocence the White House had Lawrence quietly dug up and shipped out to San Diego. He was then re-buried in San Diego’s El Camino Memorial Park.

The San Diego Union simply gushed at the links among Jewish interests, the city of San Diego, and Clinton. Here’s what the paper said about the city’s links to the Clinton’s White House: “Another conduit to the White House involves Rabbi Moshe Levin of Congregation Beth El and his wife, Deborah, whose stepmother is Ann Lewis, recently named White House director of communications.” Congregation Beth El was only nine blocks due south of the Johnson’s home.

To the west of the Johnson’s home was San Diego Bay and the towering peninsula called Point Loma. Point Loma curves to the south and around the mouth of the San Diego Bay. Its rugged cliffs rise nearly 500 feet above the Pacific.

This peninsula contains one of the highest concentrations of U.S. Navy installations in the world and it can be compared to Gibraltar in its importance. The peninsula was first used as a platform for coastal gun defenses in 1917. The attack of the Japanese on Pearl Harbor in 1941 made Point Loma the next logical target and it was heavily fortified. The peninsula has been tunneled, reinforced and paved.

On the harbor side, Point Loma is home to numerous nuclear powered attack submarines and the largest naval research facility on the west coast. A hundred yards from the Navy piers one can see the huge storage tanks for bunker fuel burned in the steam turbines of the entire Pacific Fleet. You can also see the munitions storage buildings — they are the white ones with the fifty foot high lightening arresters and the around-the-clock high intensity lighting.

Along the top of the peninsula one can see the Fleet Combat Directions Systems Activity which designs and tests the classified software used in various ship-board computer systems. Farther on, is the radio research lab where 10-foot long models of every navy ship are constructed from copper sheet and then scanned for their radio signature. The old 1917 and 1941 coastal gun installations have been converted into secure research labs.

At the mid-point on the peninsula is the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery with 100 acres of grass and 47,000 white tombstones.

Between the Johnson’s home and the Bay was Lindbergh Field — San Diego’s airport. The airport was just far enough away that no airplane noise interrupted back yard barbecues, and yet close enough to create an incredible nightly light show.

Thanks to the rugged geography and difficult street access, Bill and Sally had been able to raise two fine children without a home invasion, burglary, auto theft — or worse.

Bill and Sally considered their home in San Diego to be heaven on earth.